"Recruiting non-executive directors is a challenging task for boards – there’s a lot of choice. It's a given that NEDs need to have the right skill set, knowledge and experience, particularly for the more technical board matters such as audit and risk. Beyond that it's about chemistry and perceived fit with the rest of the board, which require a high degree of targeted preparation and emotional intelligence to be utilised through the recruitment process.

This programme prepares already proven business leaders to secure and perform future NED roles with confidence. The combination of technical content - governance codes, legal responsibilities and protections - combined with a wealth of practical advice from a range of experienced NEDs, will make participants stand out from the competition."

Michael Bartholomeusz, non-executive director, board advisor, FTSE Risk & Audit Committee Chair, Board Chair

Learning outcomes

Get you board-ready and appointed as a NED

Access the roadmap designed by NEDonBoard and our community of experienced non-executive directors that have been on the same journey you are embarking and now have succession planning responsibility

Define your unique value proposition to boards and identify the right organisations to target given your experiences and aspirations

Deliver a highly impactful and modern NED CV and cover letter to convert your application into interviews

Be inspired by high-profile non-executive directors and learn about their personal NED journey

Upskill you for exciting professional opportunities, setting the foundations for you to be a strong and effective non-executive/board member

Start your journey to the boardroom today with the NED Accelerator - The Starter Programme by NEDonBoard, Institute of Board Members

Watch this short video demo of the course and find out the ROI of the Programme.

NED Accelerator Programme content

Programme structured in 3 parts:

  1. the NED role & governance
  2. the roadmap to your NED appointment
  3. case studies and expert interviews

20+ videos, the "What to Expect of the NED Role" publication, links to additional reading and resources 

Delivered by subject matter experts, boardroom professionals, non-executive directors, board committee and board chairs

Your assets at certification

Certificate issued by NEDonBoard, Institute of Board Members

Robust understanding of the non-executive director role, and principles of good governance

Well-defined value proposition to boards

Clarity on the organisations and boards to target in your search

High-impact NED CV that conveys your skills, expertise and value-add to boards

Cover letter that converts to interviews

Effective answers to interview questions, leading to a role offer

Join the NED Accelerator community today!