Learning objectives

Understand the role and responsibilities of the board and committee chair

Identify the skills, personal qualities, and behaviours of competent chairs

Leverage key boardroom relationships to achieve board and committee effectiveness

Uncover leading and best practices to lead board and committee meetings 

Fully draw on the experience, skills and expertise of your fellow board and committee members

Prepare and succeed in your transition to the board and committee chair role

Develop your board level skills for greater impact and effectiveness

Non-executive directors should devote time to developing and refreshing their knowledge and skills to ensure that they continue to make a positive contribution to the board.

Provision 76 of the Financial Reporting Council Guidance on Board Effectiveness (July 2018)

What is included

Insights, best practices, guidance and recommendations from a group of talented and experienced non-executive directors

Three hours of video content across nine videos, delivered by highly experienced chairs and subject matter experts

Two Board Best Practices® white papers written by NEDonBoard in collaboration with the NED and board community

Downloadable content for personal use now and later

1-year access to the course

On-demand support through the platform to go further and get your questions answered

Completion certificate issued by NEDonBoard, the Institute of Board Members

Why select NEDonBoard, Institute of Board Members as your training partner

As a professional body dedicated to non-executive directors and board members and an institute, we have real-world experience of the ongoing professional development of chairs, non-executive directors and board members. 

We are UK’s authoritative platform made by board members for board members.

NEDonBoard mission

The NEDonBoard mission is to accelerate sustainability and development.

We influence and support board members responsible for the strategic direction of businesses by promoting modern, contemporary and best governance practices.

Goal 16 of the UN Sustainable Developments Goals

The mission of NEDonBoard, the Institute of Board members aligns with Goal 16 of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

Better Business Act

NEDonBoard is a signatory to the Better Business Act, a campaign aiming at a change in UK law to make sure every single company in the UK aligns the interests of their shareholders with those of wider society and the environment. 

Develop your chair skills for greater impact and effectiveness

I think it is very important to be part of a network that is looking at best practices and how you do things in the boardroom, to be better at what you do and be more informed.

Sir James Wates, NEDonBoard member

Chair of the Wates group, Chair of the coalition that developed the Wates Corporate Governance Principles for Large Private Companies and NED

Sign-up to the Chairship course by NEDonBoard, Institute of Board Members